Seminal contributors and most cited authors in Knowledge Management scholarly research. (1990-2002)

Malhotra, Y., Deciphering the Knowledge Management Hype. Journal for Quality & Participation, July-August, 1998.
(Invited among Herbert Simon and Ikujiro Nonaka by the administrator of Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program AwardsAmerican Society for Quality, as expert paper contributor to Knowledge Management journal special issue of the Journal for Quality and Participation..)

From: 'Examining the Intellectual Structure of Knowledge Management, 1990-2002: An Author Co-citation Analysis.' University of Minnesota Management Information Systems Research Center Study. MISRC Working Paper #03-23, March 2003.

Alavi M

Hansen M

Oleary D

Stewart T

Argyris C

Hedlund G

Orlikowski W

Sveiby K

Barney J

Holsapple C

Polanyi M

Szulanski G

Blackler F

Huber G

Porter M

Teece D

Brown J

Kogut B

Prahalad C

Tsoukas H

Cohen W

Lave J

Prusak L

Vonhippel E

Daft R

Liebowitz J

Quinn J

Vonkrogh G

Davenport T

Leonard Barton D

Romer P

Walsh J

Drucker P

Machlup F

Ruggles R

Weick K

Duguid P

Malhotra Y

Sanchez R

Wenger E

Edvinsson L

March J


Wiig K

Garvin D

Mintzberg H

Senge P

Winter S

Ghoshal S

Nelson R

Simon H

Zack M

Grant R

Nonaka I

Spender J

Hamel G

Odell C

Stein E


Related: Most cited authors, 1995-2001, From: Srikantaiah, T. Kanti & Koenig, Michael. Knowledge Management for the Information Professional (Association for Information Science and Technology: ASIS&T Monograph Series). January, 2000.

